Naslov: Interlaboratory comparison in the range from 0 to 0,1 MPa for croatian accredited laboratories
Autor: Lovorka Grgec Bermanec, Davor Zvizdić, Tomislav Korade
Objavljen: 9. međunarodna konferencija CROLAB
Datum: studeni 2013.
This paper describes procedure and performance of the interlaboratory comparison (ILC) of pressure gauges calibration results in the range from 0 to 1 bar. ILC was organised by Croatian national pressure laboratory between four accredited Croatian pressure calibration laboratories. Transfer standard was pressure transducer with digital calibrator. Objective of this comparison was to assess calibration performance of participant laboratories compared to reference laboratory. Deviations for all measurement points will be listed in this paper. Assessment of the measurment results will be given by calculating En values.
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