Auditorske grupe
- Detalji
- Kreirano Ponedjeljak, 26 Kolovoz 2013 15:23
- Hitovi: 16571
ISO - Međunarodna organizacija za normizaciju i IAF - Međunarodni akreditacijski forum osnovale su dvije neformalne auditorske grupe koje su namijenjene prvenstveno auditorima, ocjeniteljima i ekspertima za područje provedbe certifikacijskih audita u organizacijama prema normi ISO 9001 Sustavi upravljanja kvalitetom - Zahtjevi i za područje provedbe akreditacijskih ocjenjivanja u certifikacijskim tijelima prema normi ISO/IEC 17021 Ocjenjivanje sukladnosti – Zahtjevi za tijela koja provode audit i certifikaciju sustava upravljanja. Dokumenti i vodiči koji se ovdje nalaze su također korisni i konzultantima i svima koji primjenjuju ove norme u praksi. Ove neformalne auditorske grupe povezuju auditore i ocjenitelje i izdaju dokumente koji pomažu u radu i u tumačenju pojedinih zahtjeva navedenih norma.
Auditorska grupa za certifikaciju (ISO 9001)
Ova auditorska grupa surađuje s ISO Technical Committee 176 Quality Management and Quality Assurance (ISO/TC 176). Izradili su web stranicu koja pomaže u povezivanju auditora i na kojoj se mogu pronaći dokumenti i vodiči iz područja sustava upravljanja kvalitetom i primjene norme ISO 9001. Dokumenti koji se ovdje nalaze nisu obavezni za primjenu nego služe kao dodatna pomoć pri primjeni norme ISO 9001.
Popis dokumenata koji su izdani unutar ove auditorske grupe:
-Introduction to the ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group
-The need for a 2-stage approach to auditing
-Measuring QMS effectiveness and improvements
-Identification of processes
-Understanding the process approach
-Determination of the “where appropriate” processes
-Auditing the “where appropriate” requirements
-Demonstrating conformity to the standard
-Linking an audit of a particular task, activity or process to the overall system
-Auditing continual improvement
-Auditing a QMS which has minimum documentation
-How to audit top management processes
-The role and value of the audit checklist
-Scope of ISO 9001, Scope of Quality Management System and Defining Scope of Certification
-How to Add Value during the audit process
-Auditing competence and the effectiveness of actions taken
-Auditing Statutory and Regulatory requirements
-Auditing Quality Policy, Quality Objectives, and Management Review
-Auditing ISO 9001, Clause 7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring equipment
-Making effective use of ISO 19011
-Auditing Customer Feedback processes
-Documenting a Nonconformity
-Guidance for reviewing and closing nonconformities
-Auditing Internal Communications
-Auditing Preventive Action
-Auditing Service Organizations
-Third Party Auditor Impartiality and Conflict of Interest
-Auditing the Effectiveness of the Internal Audit
-Auditing Electronic Based Management Systems
-Auditing the Management of Resources
-Auditing Customer Communications
-Auditing the Design and Development Process
-Auditor Code of Conduct and Ethics
-Guidance on Cultural Aspects of Auditing
-Output Matters!
-Auditing the Procurement and Supply Chain Processes
-Added Value Audits versus Consultancy
-Writing Audit Reports
-Audit trail
-Approach to Demonstration of Traceability of Measurement Results
-Deployment of the Expected Outcomes documents
-How to deal with Consultants
-Auditing Customer Complaints
-Using Technical Experts on an audit team
-Audit Evidence collection
Svi dokumenti s popisa se mogu preuzeti na web stranici auditorske grupe
Auditorska grupa za akreditaciju (ISO/IEC 17021)
Ova auditorska grupa surađuje s ISO Policy Committee for Conformity Assessment (ISO/CASCO) i ISO Technical Committee 176 Quality Management and Quality Assurance (ISO/TC 176). Izradili su web stranicu koja pomaže u povezivanju ocjenitelja i na kojoj se mogu pronaći dokumenti i vodiči iz područja ocjenjivanja sukladnosti i primjene norme ISO/IEC 17021. Dokumenti koji se ovdje nalaze nisu obavezni za primjenu nego služe kao dodatna pomoć pri primjeni norme ISO/IEC 17021.
Popis dokumenata koji su izdani unutar ove auditorske grupe:
-Introduction to the Accreditation Auditing Practices Group
-The witnessing of CAB audits by an accreditation body
-"Process Approach" based accreditation audits
-Auditor Code of Conduct and Ethics
-Criteria for Competence of AB Assessors and Assessment Teams
-Auditing Accreditation Scopes
-Auditing the CAB Impartiality Committtee
-Auditing Certification Body management systems based on ISO 9001:2000 (Option 1from clause 10 of ISO/IEC 17021)
-Deployment of the Expected Outcomes Documents
-Control of CABs' foreign or remote locations
Svi dokumenti s popisa se mogu preuzeti na web stranici auditorske grupe