Konferencija "SMEs and Standardization" 2013.
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- Kreirano Četvrtak, 30 Svibanj 2013 17:02
- Hitovi: 3625
CEN - Europski odbor za normizaciju i CENELEC - Europski odbor za normizaciju u elektrotehnici organizirali su konferenciju naziva "SMEs and Standardization" dana 28. 05. 2013. u Bruxellesu. Pojam SMEs označava "Small and medium enterprises" odnosno mala i srednja poduzeća. Europske norme su od velike koristi malim i srednjim poduzećima i kroz ovu konferenciju želi se približiti svim zainteresiranim stranama važnost primjenjivanja europskih norma u malim i srednjim poduzećima.
Norme poboljšavaju poslovanje u malim i srednjim poduzećima kroz povećavanje konkurentnosti i efikasnosti. Norme osiguravaju kvalitetu i sigurnost proizvoda i usluga te olakšavaju njihovu prodaju u Europi i svijetu. Također pomažu stvaranju jednakih uvjeta poslovanja, omogućavaju malim i srednjim poduzećima da pristupe različitim tržištima i privuku nove klijente.
Ova konferencija će pružiti jedinstvenu priliku da se raspravlja o promoviranju uspješnog učešća malih i srednjih poduzeća u normizacijskim aktivnostima i omogućiti im lakši uvid u postignute rezultate. Među predavačima će biti predstavnici Europske komisije te poslovnih i industrijskih udruženja aktivnih u rješavanju najvažnijih pitanja koja se tiču norma za mala i srednja poduzeća.
Program konferencije:
08:45 Opening of the registrations - Welcome coffee & refreshments
09:30 OPENING SESSION (Conference facilitator: Peter Woodward) Welcome and Introduction Dirk WEILER, Chairman, CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Joint Presidents' Group, and Chairman of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) General Assembly Supporting Europe's SMEs with standardization - the new legal environment Daniel CALLEJA CRESPO, Director General, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission and Special Envoy for SMEs Standardization and SMEs - delivering a roadmap for the future Action on the 58 solutions for standards bodies and trade associations Mike LOW, formerly CEN Vice-President and CEN-CENELEC SME-WG Chairman
Panel discussion: Effective collaboration in support of SMEs Sandro BONOMI, President of Orgalime, President of Federation of Italian Association of Mechanical and Engineering Industries (ANIMA) Mike LOW, formerly CEN Vice-President and CEN-CENELEC SME-WG Chairman Keith DICKERSON, European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Board Member, Director at Climate Associates David CARO, President, European Small Business Alliance (ESBA)
SMEST2 Project - policy into action
Connecting National Standards Bodies, Trade Associations and SMEs Tanja VAN TOOREN, SMEST2 project leader, Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut (NEN)
11:15 Refreshments
Session A - Raising awareness
Communication and eduction about standards
Raising awareness about standardization is the first and most important step in the process of helping individuals, companies and organisations to become familiar with the world of standards. This process should start in the academic environment - standardization and standards can be introduced via education modules and lectures to students at universities and other educational institutions. This provides an opportunity to raise awareness of standardization among the next generation of professionals. Standards organisations also need to work to increase awareness of the benefits of standards and of involvement in standards work, and help train experts participating in standards activities.
Session B - Influencing standards
Commenting and providing feedback
From use to active involvement: even if SMEs are aware of standards in general, they may not realise that they can influence the development of specific standards. This session will address questions such as:
-how do we encourage SME participation in consultations on new work item proposals or draft Mandates?
-how can trade associations and NSBs co-operate to help SMEs trace work in progress?
-how to encourage SME feedback on existing standards?
-how to comment on drafts in progress?
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Keynote plenary presentation Gianosvaldo FADIN, Technical Advisor, Federazione ANIE - Confidustria
Session C - Using standards
Providing information to SMEs on finding relevant standards and making use of them Once SMEs are aware of standards, they may experience difficulty in identifying which standards are relevant to the products and services they are providing, where to find these standards and how to understand and use them.
The discussion in this session will include topics such as:
-ways to make it easier to understand and trace standards;
-what is the role of European Trade Associations/ Organisations/Federations?
-what support is available from National Standards Organisations?
-guidance on offer on how to look for a standard;
-guidance to make the most appropriate buying decisions.
Session D - Getting involved
Facilitating SME involvement and participation in standardization activities
By participating in the standardization process, SMEs can ensure that new or revised standards address their current and future needs. They may also benefit from having access to knowledge about the latest developments and innovations – for example with regard to new technologies.
This session will address a number of questions:
-how can Trade Associations and National Standards Organisation/European Standards Organisations facilitate the involvement of SMEs in standards development?
-what training can be offered?
-what is the role of national mirror committees?
-how is the ETSI mentoring scheme set up?
-what is the role of mandated trade association representatives and consultants on behalf of SMEs?
-how do we make sure standards reflect SME needs and interests?
15:40 Refreshments
Panel discussion: Ensuring the standardization community is SME 'fit for purpose' Joanna DRAKE, Director, SMEs and Entrepreneurship Directorate, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission Elena SANTIAGO CID, Director General, CEN and CENELEC Annette DRAGSDAHL, Confederation of Danish Industries (DI), Denmark
SMEs and Standardization - at the heart of European economic renewal John PERRY, Minister of State for Small Business, Ireland Closing remarks Dirk WEILER, Chairman CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Joint President's Group, and Chairman, European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) General Assembly
17:30 Closing reception and networking
Više podataka o konferenciji možete saznati na web stranici www.cencenelec.eu.