14. IFAN konferencija o normama 2013.
- Detalji
- Kreirano Ponedjeljak, 16 Rujan 2013 17:28
- Hitovi: 2996
IFAN - The International Federation of Standards Users (Međunarodno udruženje korisnika norma) organizira 14. međunarodnu konferenciju o normama od 15. do 16. 10. 2013. u Londonu. IFAN organizacija održava konferencije o normama svake tri godine, ciljevi održavanja konferencija su razmjene najnovijih saznanja iz područja normizacije i primjene norma. Na ovogodišnjoj konferenciji teme će biti utjecaj norma u društvu, primjena norma u malim i srednjim poduzećima, nejasnoće i problemi u primjeni norma, povezanost norma sa zakonodavstvom, utjecaj norma na inovacije, razvoj budućih norma i dr.
Program konferencije:
15. 10. 2013. (utorak)
8:30 – 9:00 Registration and opening
Session 1: Getting Involved in Standards
-Gathering feedback on standards, Evelynne Thomann, ACANOR
-X-factor & User-centric Standards Development, De Montfort University
-Getting SME involved in Europe, Ashok Ganesh, Director, Innovation CEN
-User participation in Indonesia, Satyawati Susanto, MASTAN
-SMEs innovate to demonstrate compliance to ISO 20121, Fiona Pelham, MD Sustainable Event s
-Engagement in standardization activities, Cesare Riillo, ANEC Normalisation Luxembourg
Session 2: Global legal issues around standards and standards information for global markets
-Global Product Compliance Requirements – Challenges for Economic Operators, Michael Loerzer, President GLOBALNORM Group
-Technical regulation of products based on risk management , Peter Walsh, CaSServ.
-Energy standards and regulation, Denis Deutsch, Total and Andries Otter, Shell
-China’s system of standardization and regulation, Xeijia Xai, CAS
16. 10. 2013. (srijeda)
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
Session 3: Standards, innovation & technology: Fulfilling the demands of users
-The 3P’s of Standards, Laura Hitchcock, Boeing
-Network Rail – Making company standards accessable, Speaker TBC
-Standards and technical company specifications in one database: the advantages for the users, Philippe Rafoujault, DCNS
-Urban Future initiative – demanding new standards? Mrs Fueting, Audi
-Standards for Smart Cities, a user’s perspective, Lean Doody, Arup
Session 4: Inter-active Standard development, inputing SME/User experience to the standard amendment process
-Facilitated by BSI Standard Content Developers
Više podataka o najavljenoj konferenciji možete saznati na web stranici www.ifan.org i web stranici www.shop.bsigroup.com.